Pirkumu Grozs


Amix shaker 600 ml
Brand: Amix Nutrition Model: Amix
600 ml plastmasas kokteiļa šeikeris. Tās praktiskais izmērs ir ideāls, lai sagatavotu  olbaltumvielu kokteiļus vai dzertu ūdeni vai bcaa treniņa laikā. Praktiskais uzgaļa gredzens, viegli pārnēsājams.Apkope: Pirms pirmās lietošanas rūpīgi jānomazgā ar siltu ūdeni (līdz 45 ° C). Pēc katras lieto..
Bez nodokļa:2,89€
Brand: Amix Nutrition Model: Amix
Amix Water Bottle 2.2l is a practical bottle which allows adequate hydration becomes easier. Capacity 2.2 L corresponds to the average daily demand for water for human and translucent casing facilitates the monitoring of consumption. Robust reconstruction is ideal for the gym but also when p..
Bez nodokļa:8,18€
MiniShaker Color 400 ml
Brand: Amix Nutrition Model: Amix
Amix MiniShaker Color 400 mlShaker Amix™ MiniShaker 400ml allows you to mix your protein drinks easily and quickly when you are on the move. No blenders needed to mix your protein in to a nice blend whether with water or milk. Just add the protein powder to the shaker bottle, ad..
Bez nodokļa:2,48€
Rāda no 1 līdz 6 kopā 6 (Kopā lapu - 1)
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